Memoir Writers’ Workshop: A virtual, 8-week, generative course

If you’re writing memoir (short or long form) and you’re looking for accountability, community and constructive feedback…

…this workshop is for you.

An MFA-Style Workshop for a Fraction of the Price

Workshops like this are the bread and butter of every MFA program. They’re not only where your writing flourishes, but where you learn how to critique your own and others’ writing, where you meet your writing community and where you get comfortable with the uncomfortable: sharing your work with other writers who will push you to make it better before you share it with the world.

Trust me. We’re going to have so much fun!


“This class was the perfect balance of freedom and structure. Jessica provided us with a nurturing environment in which to take creative risks. I came away feeling more in touch with my voice as a writer and more knowledgeable about story development and narrative arc. I can't wait to take Jessica Hill's class again!”


Upcoming Dates


June 19 — August 14, Wednesdays

We will NOT meet on Wednesday, July 17

TIME: 4:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m. PST


TUITION: A one-time fee of $600 or three monthly payments of $200

Limited space available.

“Jessica's workshops make presenting and critiquing work approachable so that any level writer can seek help and help others. She truly wants to help make women better, more confident writers!”


What You Can Expect

The focus of this course is the creation, development and discussion of personal narratives (memoir / essay). In addition to discussing short, weekly readings, you’ll learn how to critique your own and others’ work in a safe, inclusive and supportive environment. Whether you’re just starting your memoir, you have a finished manuscript, or you’re writing shorter, standalone pieces, you’ll benefit from honest, helpful and kind feedback to steer you in the right direction. Sharing personal stories can be hard. Our feedback will always honor the courage it takes to share your work.

“Being part of a critique group with Jessica has drastically impacted my manuscript. The support and encouragement has reignited my drive to keep editing and keep pushing to publication.


Meet Your Instructor

Hi, I’m Jessica! I’m a memoir mentor, developmental editor, writer and educator.

I’ve taught writing and lead workshops like these in a variety of capacities. I’ve worked in nearly every aspect of publishing, and I’ve helped other writers (many for the first time) get their first publications.

My own essays have won awards, and been featured in Brevity, Traveler’s Tales, Emrys Journal, and Horizon Air Magazine, to name a few. I have a bachelor’s degree in journalism and a master’s degree in creative nonfiction.

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • Absolutely! This workshop is open to writers of all levels.

  • I can never promise that anyone will get published, but revision is a crucial part of the publishing process and this workshop will help you improve your draft.

  • Yes! I’m offering to break up the investment into three monthly installments of $200. Just email me and let me know you’d like this option.

Sign up to be notified of future workshops.

When you join, you’ll be added to my email newsletter with bi-monthly tips to keep you motivated on your memoir.